There is a constant pressure to win at all costs. We are told by the world that the ends justify the means if you make them sound righteous enough. But in the redemptive work of God, we’re called to win the right way.
Few biblical vignettes puzzled me more over the years than that found in 1 Samuel 24. Let me try to set the stage. King Saul and his men had been chasing David, knowing he was ordained by God to be Israel’s ruler. David and his men fled into the wilderness region known as En Gedi and were hiding in a cave.
It was into that very cave that King Saul entered to “relieve himself.” This is why my then-18-year-old son called it the “pee cave” when he and I were there a couple of years ago.
As my son and I stood at the mouth of what had been a cave, looking down at the Jordan River below and marveling at the beauty of the place, it was hard not to think of the pressure to “win at all costs.” We feel it every day, just as David did.
Hiding in that cave three thousand years ago, David and his men conspired about the opportunity to attack Saul. How easy it would have been! As it happened, David snipped a piece of Saul’s robe without the king’s knowledge but immediately regretted it as a cowardly act. He forbade his men from taking any other action.
It always puzzled me... How were David and his men not seen or heard? How could David have moved close enough to cut Saul’s robe without the king knowing it?
Well, it turns out very easily. The location features a massive waterfall and raging stream that had carved the cave from fragile rock. Back then, the cave would have been pitch black, the floor littered with man-sized chunks of rock. A dozen men could have been standing there yelling and never be heard, let alone seen.
Meanwhile, given the clothing of the day, one would have had to carefully disrobe before, um, going about the king’s task at that moment.
When you stand there, it all makes perfect sense.
While Saul was a dishonorable king, David did not want to begin his own kingship in a dishonorable way. While Saul would have thought nothing of killing David with his proverbial pants down,
David wanted Saul to keep his dignity.
Most importantly, David wanted to honor God, even in the darkness of a cave, against a man who wanted him dead.
The lesson of En Gedi is that the ends cannot be justification for the means. If we want to be honorable men, we must behave honorably – even when it is inconvenient, even in the darkness, even when there aren’t any opposing witnesses.
As a self-governing people, we must first be able to govern ourselves.