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Friday, October 27th, 2023



Karen Kwiatkowski

Jolly Little Wars

Eric S. Margolis

Your Enemies Are Getting Violent

Tom Woods

Whose Fault Was Hurricane Idalia?

Walter E. Block

Peace is Power: Lessons from Chinese Foreign Policy

Liam Childers

A DeepMind Is a Terrible Thing To Waste

Jeff Einstein

Climate Change: A Philosophy of Science Based on Opinion

Helena Glass

Constructive and Destructive Roles of Credit

Alasdair Macleod

‘Vaccine’ Killed 3.5X More Americans Than Covid

Steve Kirsch

On Gaza and Human Consciousness

Caitlin Johnstone

Are Your Adrenal Glands Affecting Your Thyroid?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

End Fiat Money, End Forever Wars

J.B. Shurk

Political Theatre

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