Congress must act. This is . . . . treason.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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BREAKING: Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Worked as an FBI Informant, Wore a Wire to Record All Conversations with President Trump
Congress must act. This is ….. treason.

BREAKING: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him.

This is not only ...

Here Are Hamas Documents That Instruct to Kill, take Hostage Civilians, Take Over Towns Villages, Schools, Youth Centers
Unutterable barbarity.

Hamas Documents Captured By Israel And Released By IDF Spokesman's Office Instruct Operatives To Kill And Take Hostage As Many Israeli Civilians As Possible, As Well As Soldiers, Take Over Kibbutzim And Communities Near ...

Here Are the Monsters in Congress Who Voted AGAINST Condemning Hamas Savagery
This is not hard. There is no ambiguity here. Any one who supports the unimaginable savagery by Hamas monsters is as evil as the acts themselves.

These notorious Jew-hating Democrats voted against the resolution to condemn Hamas many of whom ...

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Should Resign At Once
Instead of using his moral authority to condemn the horrific butchery of Israeli civilians by the internationally recognized terrorist organization Hamas, Antonio Guterres goose-stepped to his podium and sickeningly expressed a moral equivalency ...

Western Leftist Elites Cheer Unutterable Butchery, Bloodlust and Islamic Jew Hatred
The Hamas One-Eyed Jack

By Victor Davis Hanson

Gruesome details of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli civilians continue to come to light. Hamas gunmen who have been captured or found wounded are quite candid in taped interviews about ...

Mamet: “How the Democrats Betrayed the Jews”
David Mamet David is a a Pulitzer Prize winning American playwright, filmmaker, and author. He has multiple received Tony nominations….

How the Democrats betrayed the Jews

The sick thrill of antisemitism has a price

By: David Mamet, ...

REPORT: Jihad Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Connections To Hamas Terrorist Organization
Aiding and abetting designated Islamic terror group. How is that not grounds for expulsion? Indictment?

2/In 2018, CAIR co-founder Rafeeq Jaber hosted a Tlaib campaign event with Abelbaset Hamayal, a Hamas-linked activist. In 2003, Jaber ...

Knife-Wielding Jew Hater Breaks Into Jewish Family’s Home in L.A., Shouting “Kill Them,” “Free Palestine”
Every Jew needs a gun.

Related: HIDEOUS: When Asked About Spike in Jew Hatred in America, Biden Again Denounces ‘Islamophobia’

Man Invades Jewish Family’s Home in L.A., Shouts ‘Free Palestine’

By: Breitbart News, 26 Oct 2023: ...

Jewish Students Forced to Barricade Themselves In Library as Muslim and Leftist Jew-Hating Mob Try to Break Down the Door New York’s Cooper Union College
Jewish students at NY University locked in their own library to protect them from violent Muslim and leftist terrorist supporters at NYC Cooper Union College. You can hear them trying to get in.

Full scale pogroms against the Jews can't be far ...

Western Pressure On Israel Led To The Brutal Hamas Massacre
Congressman Louie Gohmert lays it out.

“LOUIE GOHMERT: How Western Pressure On Israel Led To The Brutal Hamas Massacre,” by Louie Gohmert, Daily Caller, October 23, 2023:

You have heard about the barbaric attacks on Israel. You have ...

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