Meet Our 2020 Keepers of the Earth Fund Grant Partners
Cultural Survival’s Keepers of the Earth Fund provides small grants designed to support Indigenous Peoples’ community advocacy and development projects. Since 2007, the Fund has provided nearly $3 million in grants and technical assistance to over 450 Indigenous-led projects in 65 countries around the world.
The Fund provides grants up to $10,000 that go directly to grassroots Indigenous organizations and groups to support their self-designed projects based on local, traditional values. Projects address a vast array of economic and cultural development strategies including cultural retention, language revitalization, food sovereignty, climate change, gender equality, battling extractive industries, Free, Prior and Informed Consent, leadership and governance.
Cultural Survival is proud to announce the following 30 grant partners in 13 countries, totaling $136,549. Read more.
- Hogares Caldono CEFIC - Nasa (Colombia)
Teaching about Places of Cultural and Spiritual Importance on Nasa Lands
- Unión de Médicos Yageceros de la Amazonía Colombiana (UMIYAC) - Siona, Coreguaje, Inga, Kamentsá, Cofán (Colombia)
Revitalizing of Ancestral Knowledge and Promoting Community, Women’s and Environmental Health
- Asentamiento Ancestral Cofani Sinangoe - Al'Cofan (Ecuador)
Protecting Traditional Lands through the Sinangoe Community Guard Project
- La Nacion Sapara de Ecuador (NASE) - Sapara (Ecuador)
Protecting the Lands and Cultures of Sapara Communities
- Asociación de Mujeres Yamaram Nua - Shuar (Ecuador)
Building a Ceremonial Center for Shuar Women to Share Knowledge and Gain Spiritual, Cultural and Economic Empowerment
- Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) - Tsáchila, Chachi, Epera, Awa, Quichua, Shuar, Achuar, Shiwiar, Cofán, Siona, Secoya, Zápara, Andoa y Waorani, Afro-Ecuadorians - (Ecuador)
Mobilizing Our Leaders
- Fundacion Indigena Comunitaria - Lenca (Honduras)
Training Indigenous Attorneys in Indigenous Law at the Indigenous and Peoples’ University
- ARHI’s Folk Culture Research Centre of North East India - Karbi (India)
Revitalization of Natural Dyeing Tradition of the Karbi Tribe
- Área de Mujeres y Parteras de la Organización de Médicos Indígenas del Estado de Chiapas (OMIECH) - Tsotsil, Tseltal (Mexico)
Strengthening Traditional Indigenous Midwifery
- Makxtum Kgalhaw Chuchutsipi - Tutunakú (Mexico)
Defending the Ajajalpan River
- Comité Ixtepecano en Defensa de la Vida y el Territorio - Binizá/Zapotec (Mexico)
Implementation of the Guidxi Layú Agroecological Campesino School
- Consejo Regional Wixárika por la Defensa de Wirikuta (CRW) - Wirárika (Mexico)
Defending Wirikuta
- Center for Indigenist Development in the Philippines (CIDev-Phil) - Teduray, Lambangian (Philippines)
Documenting Teduray Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices on Birthing in Relation to the Environment
- The Mulokot Foundation - Wayana (Suriname)
Developing an Engagement Strategy with Wayana Peoples
- Eastern Woodlands Rematriation Collective (EWRC) - Maliseet, Mi'kmaq, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, Nipmuc, Wampanoag, Narragansett (USA)
Wabanaki Apothecary Expansion Project
- Ekvn-Yefolecv - Maskoke (USA)
Ekvn-Yefolecv Maskoke Ecovillage – Aquaculture Project
- Central Campesina Ch'orti’ Nuevo Día - Maya Cho’rti’ (Guatemala) and Coordinadora Nacional Ancestral de Derechos Indígenas Maya Ch'orti’ - Maya Cho’rti’ (Honduras)
Strengthening Traditional Knowledge about Water
- El Frente Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas (FRENAPI) - Huetar, Maleku, Bribri, Cabécar, Brunca, Ngöbe, Teribe, Chorotega - (Costa Rica)
Organizing the First National Indigenous Congress (Primer Congreso Nacional Indígena)
- Asamblea de Pueblos Indígenas por la Soberanía Alimentaria en México (APISA) - (México)
4th International Indigenous Corn Conference and 22nd Corn and Native Seeds Fair
- Red Nacional en Defensa del Agua - Ngäbe, Buglé, Naso, Teribe (Panamá)
Exchanging Experiences of Communities Affected by Dams
- Mountain Indigenous Knowledge Center (MIKC) - Tangkhul Naga (India)
Transmitting Indigenous Knowledge Along the Indian-Burmese Border
- Ki’kotemal TV - Maya Mam, K’iche (Guatemala)
Creating Videos to Promote K’iche’ Language Learning Online
- Yuku Savi - Mixteco (Mexico)
Strengthening Indigenous Culture and Capital Through Expo Fair
- Asociación Jardín Botánico Las Delicias - Pueblo Misak (Colombia)
Rescuing Indigenous Heritage through Environmental Preservation
- Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas Norte del Cauca (ACIN) - Nasa (Colombia)
Implementing a Local Economy System
- Nepal Tamang Women Ghedung - Tamang (Nepal)
Protecting Indigenous Women from Trafficking Through Educational Programs
- Munanai - Khoekhoe (South Africa)
Strengthening the Khoekhoe Language
- Agrupación de Derechos Humanos Xochitépetl - Nahua y Otomí (Mexico)
Empowering Women Politically Through Leadership Training
- El Centro Profesional Indígena de Asesoría, Defensa y Traducción (CEPIADET) - Mixteco (Mexico)
Creating Economic Solidarity in Oaxaca
Read about the projects here.