
After 21 days without a functional government, Matt Gaetz and the 147’s ideological purge of the Republican House Caucus is complete.

You might not be very familiar with the name Mike Johnson, but you are familiar with what he’s done. He was one of the primary architects of the Big Lie and the January 6th Insurrection.

How instrumental was Mike Johnson in the insurrection? Johnson is the single person who convinced the majority of Republican Members of Congress to adopt and amplify the Big Lie.

In the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, Republican lawmakers had a choice: 1) accept the truth or 2) defend Trump’s blatantly insane conspiracy theories about voting machines getting hacked. Most were on the fence. But Johnson gave his fellow Representatives a third option - challenging the election on trumped-up constitutional grounds.

Disgraced Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton brought a lawsuit to the Supreme Court requesting that four swing states stop counting votes because he didn’t like how they implemented vote-by-mail during the pandemic. Even our conservative Supreme Court dismissed the argument almost immediately. But not before Johnson could whip over 100 Republican Members of Congress into adding their name to a letter supporting the lawsuit.

Did he win over his colleagues with a well-reasoned constitutional argument? No, he did it with typical MAGA intimidation - he let his colleagues know that Trump was monitoring extremely closely who did and didn’t sign on to the letter.

According to the New York Times, Johnson’s muddling of conspiracy theories and hackish constitutional interpretations worked. 75% of Representatives who voted against certifying the 2020 election, thereby inciting the January 6th Insurrection, cited Johnson’s letter and arguments for why they wanted to deny Biden his lawful victory.

Kevin McCarthy wasn’t extreme enough. Jim Jordan wasn’t extreme enough. But thanks to his ability to beat moderates into submission while flying under the radar, Mike Johnson now holds our country's second most powerful office.

We cannot allow Trump’s right-hand man in Congress to be reelected speaker. Pitch into the 147 Congressional Victory Fund now to make sure we fight hard to vote EVERY insurrectionist out of office.


-Operation 147






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