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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

PPI Names Top 25 Investment Heroes for 2023 in New Report

This week, the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) released its annual report “Investment Heroes 2023.” The report, published annually since 2012, analyzes publicly available data to identify the top 25 U.S. companies investing in America, powering job growth, and raising living standards. The theme of this year’s Investment Heroes report is the recovery of U.S. capital investment from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and the benefits these investments provide to workers.
Eight of the top 10 companies on this year’s ranking are in the technology, broadband, or ecommerce industries, with Amazon leading the list, investing $46.5 billion in the United States in 2022. Report authors, Dr. Michael Mandel, Vice President and Chief Economist at PPI, and Jordan Shapiro, Director of the Innovation Frontier Project at PPI, analyzed capital spending in “high-investment” sectors and compared the spending levels for the same companies in 2019.
Their analysis found that the great majority of companies on the Investment Heroes list have high and growing levels of domestic capital investment, compared to before the pandemic.
PPI’s analysis found that capital investment is associated with massive job creation. Between 2019-2022, our high-investment sectors added 1.3 million net new jobs, more than the entire rest of the private sector put together. Not only that, but many companies are investing back into training and education for their employees and new workers.
Also this week, PPI hosted our 2023 Investment Heroes event, highlighting the release of our new report authored by Michael Mandel and Jordan Shapiro. The event featured remarks from Will MarshallMichael MandelChair of the New Democrat Coalition Rep. Annie Kuster, and a panel conversation on workforce development policies, moderated by Taylor Maag.
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Hamas is an occupying force blocking peace in Gaza

By Will Marshall
President of the Progressive Policy Institute
for The Hill

After 16 years of living next door to a terrorist enclave, a badly shaken Israel is massing its forces to crush Hamas in Gaza. Palestinian civilians are caught in the crossfire — which is exactly what Hamas wants. 

As it has done after provoking four previous incursions by Israeli forces, Hamas is counting on images of death and destruction in Gaza to trigger outrage throughout the Middle East and bring international pressure on Israel to stop the fighting and withdraw its forces.  
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Investment Heroes Breakdown:
An Audio Guide to PPI's 2021 Investment Heroes Report

For the last 10 years, PPI has released an annual Investment Heroes report which lays out the top companies of the year who invested the most in capital expenditures. With 2020 being a year like no other, PPI's Investment Heroes report looked unlike anything we have seen before and surprisingly, had a record broken for the biggest investment in the 10 years the report has been released.
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Staff Spotlight: Jordan Shapiro

Jordan Shapiro
Director of PPI's Innovation Frontier Project

Jordan Shapiro is the Director of PPI's Innovation Frontier Project. She is a techno-optimist who believes that through ethical technology and data we can build effective governance ready to meet the exciting challenges of the modern era. Prior to joining PPI, Jordan worked as a data and innovation research consultant supporting businesses and non-profits to understand the interplay between technology and public systems. Jordan has a Master’s degree in International Politics from Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK.
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