Dear John,
Imagine a world where your hard work and dedication is truly valued and rewarded.
Picture this: you're toiling away at a job that barely covers your expenses, leaving you with little time or energy for anything else. Your boss, without any regard for your personal life or well-being, continuously piles on the hours, pushing you far beyond a reasonable workweek.
But wait, what if I told you that this unjust reality could be changed? What if I told you that there's an opportunity to demand fair treatment for workers like you?
The Department of Labor (DOL) is listening, and they want to hear your voice, John. They want to hear how a policy requiring your employer to either increase your salary or provide overtime pay for every hour worked beyond 40 can transform your life.
In 2019, the Trump administration issued totally inadequate regulations that allow employers to avoid paying overtime to salaried workers in jobs they classify as managerial or professional if the workers make at least $35,568. This allowed employers to call people managers and pay them just over the salary threshold, to avoid paying workers overtime.
We can put a stop to this sort of exploitation. The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed new rules to ensure that anyone making less than $55,068 gets overtime pay when they work over 40 hours in a week, even if they are a manager or a supervisor.
This increase in the overtime salary threshold (nearly $20,000!) could be life-changing for workers! Millions more people, especially women and people of color, will be guaranteed more pay when they work more hours—or more time for their lives if their employers aren’t willing to pay overtime.
But to make this proposed rule a reality, the Department of Labor needs to hear from you! The business lobby is already gearing up to fight this pro-worker policy. We must signal to DOL that there is strong public support for this proposed regulation. Take action now!
In solidarity,
Julie Vogtman
Director of Job Quality and Senior Counsel
National Women's Law Center