![]() Patriot, Yesterday, we alerted you about a pending vote on Audit the Fed as an amendment to a budget bill in the U.S. Senate. Amendment 1217 did not come up yesterday but is currently eighth on the agenda for today. That means the vote could happen early this afternoon (i.e. any time now)! Call your U.S. Senators, even if you already called them yesterday, and demand a YEA vote on the Audit the Fed Amendment (#1217). This is our chance to get a roll call vote on Audit the Fed in the Senate! Call your U.S. Senators right now at (202) 224-3121. This is the number for the switchboard – ask to be connected to one of your U.S. Senators, then call back for the other. Tell your senators to vote “yes” on Amendment 1217 and to support government
transparency. This is all you need to say – no need to give a lecture on monetary policy. Just tell them to vote yes! This is extremely time sensitive. Be sure you call both of your U.S. Senators RIGHT AWAY. It is CRITICAL we have a recorded roll-call vote on Audit the Fed in the Senate so we will know who is against Fed transparency and supports the political machinations of the Fed. And then it will be time to turn up the heat again, not just in the Senate, but in the House. Now that there is (finally) a new Speaker, we need him to do all he can with his new powers to get a floor vote on Audit the Fed . . . not to mention the bill to BAN the Central Bank Digital Currency. We’re going to be ramping up our efforts, and we’ll need your support to bring resources to bear on Congress in both chambers. So after you call your Senators, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty to get Audit the Fed passed this year. You and I have been fighting to Audit the Fed for 15 years at Campaign for Liberty, and this is the most promising path forward we’ve seen yet. So please call your U.S. Senators immediately . . . and then support Campaign for Liberty’s fight to Audit the Fed today! Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director, Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is the first time in years Audit the Fed will get a roll call vote in the U.S. Senate – and it could be TODAY. Be sure you call your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and demand they support Amendment 1217! Help us turn up the heat on Congress to get votes on Audit the Fed! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |