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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
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Thousands of asylum-seeking families were separated at our southern border. We can’t undo the unspeakable trauma they endured — but we can fight for justice and support. [[link removed]]
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A child should never be ripped from their parents’ arms, John.
But under the Trump administration, nearly five thousand kids were separated from their families. Our nation’s former zero-tolerance immigration policy did them irreparable harm.
Last week, the Biden administration agreed to a proposed settlement to help them heal and seek safety. It’d be an essential step toward justice… if Congress provides the necessary support and oversight.
Will you speak up so this life-changing care reaches children? [[link removed]]
Our nation has failed so many asylum seekers, John. Countless separated kids are still carrying the emotional scars — even years after reuniting with their loved ones.
Building a more compassionate, humane immigration system starts with righting those wrongs.
This settlement would finally offer separated families legal, housing, medical and mental health support, putting them on the path to recovery. It would also prevent the government from conducting future separations — so more don’t suffer the same devastating fate.
John, this is the least our government can do to assist struggling families. Please, send a message to ensure the settlement is fully supported by Congress. [[link removed]]
Thanks for being a voice for kids,
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
Kids need your voice and your compassionate support. Your donation will help hold lawmakers – from the White House to state houses – accountable to children’s needs. Please donate today – even $5 can make a difference! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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