[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Conserve public lands by protecting them from fracking!
Act now!
The Department of Interior is preparing a lease sale of public lands in
Mississippi. If approved, here’s what could follow: soot-spitting trucks, wildlife running in fear, metal machines tearing through
the Earth, and a new fracking rig polluting nearby communities. A nightmare waiting to happen -- but you can help prevent it!
Before the lease sale moves forward, the DOI is asking for public comments. But you have just a FEW DAYS LEFT to help cancel the lease sale before it happens. Don’t let fossil fuel companies get their greedy hands on
our precious public lands, Friend! Prevent new fracking in Mississippi -- send your message to the Department of
Interior now!
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*Your Signature is Missing!*
[[link removed]]Nearly a QUARTER of all U.S. emissions come from fossil fuel extraction on
public lands. Companies mining for coal, sucking oil out of the ground, and drilling for
natural gas -- it all accelerates the climate crisis and destroys our public
lands at the same time.
Floods. Storms. Wildfires. Droughts. You’ve seen the headlines, Friend. We’ve reached a critical juncture, and whether the Department of
Interior continues to allow fossil fuel extraction on our public lands will
determine the path forward. Will you help ensure the Department of Interior CANCELS the lease sale in
Mississippi and protects public lands from fracking?
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[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
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