John, the results of this Washington Post investigation are stunning:
“The best barometer of rising inequality in America is no longer income, it is life itself.”
The results predate the Covid-19 pandemic — since 2014, the average life expectancy in this country has dropped.
And poverty is killing us.
When I was a kid, people in the poorest communities were about 9% more likely to die each year.
In the last decade, that gap had grown to 49%, before increasing even more during the pandemic.
Heart disease. Cancer. Diabetes. Liver disease.
Diseases of pollution. Food deserts. The stress of working longer hours for wages that aren’t keeping up with the rising cost of living. Less saved up for retirement, year after year.
People are angry — if the last several years have taught us anything, it’s that people across the political spectrum know that we deserve so much better.
Since I arrived in the Senate, I’ve felt a fierce urgency to reverse such a precipitous decline.
It’s why I’ve introduced my Environmental Justice Act — so that people don’t die early from dirty air, dirty water, or cancerous toxins in the soil beneath their feet.
It’s why I’ve pushed for food safety policies and modernizing the Food and Drug Administration so that everyone, no matter their income, has access to healthy, nutritious food.
It’s why I continue to fight to reauthorize the expanded Child Tax Credit so that our most vulnerable people have the support they need to survive.
It’s why I will not rest until we have reversed this obscene gap between the rich and the poor so that a missed paycheck does not result in calamity.
I cannot accomplish all of this by myself, but it is SO important that we do.
That’s why I’m asking, John: Will you contribute ANY amount to my campaign for U.S. Senate today so that I can continue to fight for your right to health, happiness, and the prosperity that is the promise of this country?
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If these statistics make my Republican colleagues uncomfortable, they are more than welcome to join me in passing the legislation that will reverse this startling decline in American mortality.
Until they do, I’ll keep fighting for progress at the ballot box. And I hope you’ll join me.
With love and gratitude,