A message for John xxxxxx - [email protected]
Thursday, October 26, 2023
CONTACT: Katie Morris, [email protected]

MEDIA ADVISORY: First Lady Justice to welcome Friends With Paws therapy dog at Berkeley Springs High School tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.

WHO: First Lady Cathy Justice, Morgan County Schools Superintendent Kristin Tuttle, Berkeley Springs High School Principal Mitch Nida, Morgan County School Board Members, local officials

WHAT: First Lady Justice will introduce Skye, a female Brown Labradoodle, who is the sixteenth therapy dog to be placed as part of her Friends With Paws initiative.

The Friends With Paws program is a partnership between the Governor’s Office, West Virginia Communities In Schools Nonprofit, and the West Virginia Department of Education. Therapy dogs will be placed in schools within CIS counties where students are disproportionately affected by poverty, substance misuse, or other at-risk situations, and are in the greatest need of a support animal. The dogs will serve as a healthy and friendly outlet for these students to address trauma and other social-emotional issues.

WHEN: Friday, October 27, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Berkeley Springs High School
149 Concord Avenue
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411


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