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Schumer, Democrat Thugs Threaten Republicans Extremist language spewed in unhinged outbursts Watch and Share right-arrow.png
News Analysis
Rashida Tlaib's Friend Hosts Anti-Semitic Hate Rally in DC Hezbollah and Hamas supporters, with calls to burn the Jews Read and Share right-arrow.png
Why Iran is Corona Virus' Best Ally Mismanagement, religious fanaticism and terror are a lethal combination Listen right-arrow.png
Readers Write
After US Peace Deal, Taliban Resumes Attacks
“All this has done is made things clear ... there's NO negotiating with terrorists. The world has seen an attempt to establish peace ... its failed. Now it's time to clean house and no B.S. from other countries and Dems when we do.”
- M.B.
Canada Refuses to Comply With Its Own Terror Law
“Selling the country out.”
- P.G.

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