Democratic Victory Project: Pass the Judiciary Act
Chip in now to help elect Democrats who will pass the Judiciary Act >>
ONE: The Judiciary Act would allow President Biden to nominate FOUR new liberal Justices to the Supreme Court and render Trump’s Justices powerless.
Trump and his appointed Justices
TWO: Passing the Judiciary Act means protecting reproductive rights, protecting voting rights, and so much more!

THREE: That’s why Republicans like Mitch McConnell are trying to
block the Judiciary Act.
So we desperately need to meet our MIDNIGHT fundraising goal to help elect Democrats and demand Congress pass the Judiciary Act to SAVE the Supreme Court.

Ruin Mitch McConnell’s day! Chip in anything you can right now to help elect Democrats who will pass the Judiciary Act and add FOUR new justices to the Supreme Court >>>

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We can't do this without you, Friend.

Democratic Victory Project
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9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

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