March 2020 Meeting | YRLC | DCYR Executive Board Elections    View this email in your browser
DCYRs March Meeting with Congressman Brad Wenstrup

Please join the DC Young Republicans on Monday, March 9th, at the Capitol Hill Club! 

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for networking and drinks (Ca$h Bar) -- bring your Republican friends, coworkers, and interns! As always, meetings are open to guests and nonmembers.

Our special guest is Congressman Brad Wenstrup!

Brad Wenstrup was elected in 2012 to represent the people of Ohio's Second Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.  He brings experience as a doctor, Army Reserve officer, Iraq War veteran, and small business owner to help Congress tackle the economic and security challenges facing the nation.

In the 116th Congress, Brad serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He previously spent six years on the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. As a member of the Ways and Means and Intelligence Committees, Brad is working to address the national health and systemic poverty issues, while strengthening our national security. He has long been a voice of support for southern Ohio's veteran community.

For more information on Congressman Wenstrup and all recent updates, please check out our Facebook Event Page. Can't wait to see you there!

Coming Up:
2020 DCYRs Executive Board Elections
Elections for the DCYR Executive Board are coming up! 

The elected officer positions are Chairman, Executive Vice Chair, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, Vice Chair of Communications, Vice Chair of Events, Vice Chair of Finance, and Vice Chair of Membership.  A candidate for any office must be an active DCYR member in good standing for at least sixty (60) days prior to running for office.

There are special criteria for Chair, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman.  To run for those offices, the candidates must reside in the District of Columbia.

To be eligible to vote, you must have been registered as an Active/ Full Member by February 29th, 2020.  To qualify as an Active/ Full Member, you must be: (i) between the ages of 18-40; and (ii) be a resident or work in the District of Columbia within the past twelve (12) month period. 


🔹️March 9th, 2020: Deadline for candidates to 'file' for candidacy via nomination during attendance at the March DCYR Member Meeting.  Must be an Active Member.  Each candidate will be given three (3) minutes to address the membership at the March DCYR Member Meeting.

🔹️Last week of March (likely March 31th, 2020): Date and location will be announced shortly. Elections will be held using a secret paper ballot.  Only Active/ Full Members registered prior to February 29th, 2020 will be eligible to vote. 

If you have additional questions about the 2020 DCYR Elections, please email Elections Committee Chair, Jonathon Hauenschild at [email protected].


2020 Young Republican Leadership Conference (YRLC)
Join the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) in DC for the Young Republican Leadership Conference (YRLC), March 21st to March 24th!

Check out the
Facebook Event Page and Register to attend here! Volunteer opportunities are also available. 

A long-standing tradition and favorite of many, YRLC provides an opportunity for Young Republicans to visit our nation's capital and meet with members of Congress, officials in the President's administration and policy experts discussing today's big issues. We welcome Young Republicans from across the country to join us in DC this coming March as we fulfill our mission to recruit, train and elect in 2020.
Friends of the DCYRs

Job Opportunities: 2020 Campaign
The RNC is staffing up -- big time!  
Would you like to work for the RNC?  Please send your resume to [email protected].
Do you know a YR who is interested in working for a campaign this year?  Send us their resume.  These are not DC jobs -- RNC is looking to staff up all across the country.  Send us resumes by Wednesday, March 11th!  This is a great opportunity to get involved and get paid for it in 2020.

Log Cabin Republicans March Happy Hour
Join the Log Cabin Republicans for their March Happy Hour! This will be held Thursday, March 5th at 6:30pm at Pitchers in Adams Morgan. For more information, click here
AFCYRs March Meeting

Please join the Arlington/ Falls Church Young Republicans on Monday, March 16th, at Summers Restaurant. Our guest speaker will be candidate for U.S. Senate, Omari Faulkner.

About Omari:

Omari Faulkner was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to a family that taught him the meaning of family, perseverance, and dedication. His father was a truck driver who taught him to do everything to the best of his abilities, and his mother made sure he understood the importance of family and determination. His parents showed him that only Omari could define himself. His great-grandmother was the personification of hard work and community, and though she could not read or write, she inspired Omari’s life of service, faith, and optimism. Her circumstances did not define or limit her, and that life lesson would be Omari’s foundation.

...for more information on Candidate Omari Faulkner, please check out the AFCYRs Facebook Event Page

The doors will open at 6:30 pm for networking, drinks, and $6.49 burgers and fries - bring your Republican friends, coworkers, and interns!

Attire: Business Professional

Not a member? Join today! 

Maryland's 8th Congressional District Candidate Forum
Join us on March 19th at the Silver Spring Library as the Maryland Young Republicans host a debate of the Republican Candidates for the 8th Congressional District. Candidates will have an opportunity to explain their position on the issues important to Marylander's in the 8th Congressional District including health care, the economy, infrastructure, and safety from threats at home and abroad. The forum will be moderated and run by the Maryland Young Republicans with questions coming from our members, and a google form will be made for the public to submit questions. Each candidate will be given time for an opening statement, questions directed towards them, and time for a closing statement. More information is here
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