This is yet another symptom of our broken health care system, and it has to stop.

NNU - Medicare for All!

Did you see this?

Last week, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced its plan to start charging $1,390 for one five-day course of Paxlovid, a Covid-19 anti-viral treatment.1

What’s worse? It costs less than $14 to make. That’s more than a 10,000% markup.

This is just the latest in a long line of Big Pharma companies price-gouging crucial, life-saving medications — a costly symptom of our broken, for-profit health care system here in the United States.

But you know what would solve it? Medicare for All.

We deserve guaranteed health care for all through a single-payer system that would prevent health care corporations from profiteering off of patients’ care, especially as we continue to face a deadly virus that generated a global health crisis.

Read the article and share it with your friends and family — then, have a conversation with them about how this demonstrates the urgent need for Medicare for All →

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Together, we will continue to push our leaders to leave this broken system behind by finally passing single-payer health care for all across the country.

In solidarity,

Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All



1. "Pfizer more than doubles price of lifesaving Covid-19 medication Paxlovid as US transitions out of pandemic phase," CNN, October 18, 2023