We have the option of winning big or losing big this November. And here’s the deal: we can’t win big without holding onto seats like Matt’s

Hi John, it’s me, Joe Biden.

I made it clear on the debate stage in South Carolina: it’s not enough for Democrats to win the Presidency. In order to get real results for everyday Americans and restore the soul of this nation, we also have to take back the Senate and hold onto our House majority.

That’s why I’m sending you this email to talk about my dear friend, Rep. Matt Cartwright. He is in a tough fight against dark money and national Republicans who want to flip his seat from blue to red. So, I’m personally asking you to split a donation between my campaign and Matt Cartwright’s, so that we win not only the Presidency, but also hold onto Matt’s seat and keep our House Majority as well.


John, we have the option of winning big or losing big this November. And here’s the deal: we can’t win big without holding onto seats like Matt’s, that’s the God’s truth.

This week, national Republicans are doubling down on their efforts to flip Matt’s seat by sending President Donald Trump right into his district, my hometown of Scranton. That shows you how seriously they are taking this, folks.

Only a few months ago, John, I spoke at the Scranton Cultural Center where Donald Trump will be today. But Scranton isn’t just a campaign stop for me, it’s where I’m from. That’s why I believe with every fiber of my being that we must keep Matt Cartwright in Congress, fighting for everyday people and lifting Americans up.

Right now Matt is slightly outpaced. He’s got negative attack ads and big-time GOP surrogates like the President breathing down his neck. But take it from me, I know what it’s like to be doubted by the pundits and come back big.

So what do you say, John? Are you ready to win big in 2020? Will you join us by splitting a contribution between my campaign for President and Matt’s campaign to win re-election a swing district?

Thank you,

— Joe Biden
Former Vice President

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Authorized by Biden for President

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Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States