If you've been watching the news or are even remotely plugged into social media, then you're aware that the coronavirus has swept the world by storm. At this point, I'm not sure which is worse, the virus itself or the mass hysteria and fear the media has perpetuated in an order to capitalize upon it, but that's beside the point. If you haven't invested in antibacterial hand sanitizer, toilet paper, or Lysol ... NOW is the time!

The truth is that the coronavirus is not a new virus (or "family" of viruses). It has been around for at least two decades and is transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans. It is said to have originated from eating cats, bats, and camels (depending on the strain). 2019-nCoV is a supposedly new strain of the coronavirus that surfaced in mid-December 2019 from a seafood market in China, but despite the Facebook fact-checkers who flagged my post as "misinformation," it has recently come out that the 2019-nCoV likely escaped from lab in Wuhan. (Absolutely nobody is surprised.)

Now follow with me:

In 2004, the CDC filed a patent on a newly isolated coronavirus known as SARS-CoV. It expired on January 24, 2020 -- pure coincidence given the timing of this media outbreak I'm sure.

In 2015, the Pirbright Institute filed a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus to be used in the production of vaccines. The Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and recently received $5.5 million dollars to do what they do. They were "coincidentally chosen" to create the vaccine behind this current outbreak.

They will be partnering with Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to create said vaccine. This company brought you the zika quackxine in a record-breaking 7 months (run ... just ... run).

Inovio Pharmaceuticals will be partnering with Wistar (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates), GeneOne (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and sponsored by the US FDA) and Twist Biosciences (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). If the Wistar Institute sounds familiar, it should. This is the company that produced the WI-38 cell line derived from the "too many to count" aborted fetuses in the vaccines injected into your children.

In October of 2019, the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health (Center for Health Security) held "Event 201," which simulated an outbreak of a theoretical coronavirus that ironically, looks exactly like what's playing out right now. It ultimately becomes a childhood disease for which we need to vaccinate against. Guess who it was funded by? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

You really can't make this stuff up.

So what can you do?

Obviously, you can panic and join the parades of mass hysteria. You can stock up on supplies and head to the nearest quarantine bunker. You can forgo traveling to areas most effected by coronavirus -- China. You can invest in some N95 masks, which are supposed to be much more effective than your traditional Halloween masks, and you can douse your body in antibacterial hand gel ... since coronavirus is not a bacteria.


You can eat right, get adequate amounts of sleep, make sure your vitamin and mineral levels are on point, avoid people who appear to be sick and countries with outbreaks, and make sure your natural medicine cabinet is on point. (Personally, I like
THIS colloidal silver that has oregano and olive leaf added to it.)

Regardless, stay calm. The virus can smell your fear.

If you haven't checked out the
Living Whole supplement line, you're in for a real treat. This is some of my best work. You can stock up on toilet paper and antibacterial hand gel, or you can make sure you have essentials like vitamin D, elderberry, and colloidal silver on hand!

Until next time...

Love, Megan

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