At March For Our Lives, we stand in solidarity with every victim, survivor, and person who has experienced domestic violence.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, John.

At March For Our Lives, we stand in solidarity with every victim, survivor, and person who has experienced domestic violence.

The Supreme Court is taking up a major domestic violence case next month, United States v. Rahimi, with enormous implications for the gun safety movement. In this case, the pro-NRA Court will decide whether domestic abusers have a right to own firearms under the Second Amendment.

Over the last few months, our Legal Team at March For Our Lives filed two amicus briefs about the case, joining a coalition of domestic and intimate partner violence advocacy groups urging the Court to reconsider the decision.

The following facts speak for themselves:

  • Abusers are FIVE times more likely to kill their victims when they have access to a gun.
  • Nearly 68 percent of mass shooters have a history of domestic violence.
  • States with the highest rates of gun ownership have a 65 percent higher rate of domestic gun homicide compared to states with the lowest rates of gun ownership.

We’re standing together with our movement partners to urge the Supreme Court to support the safety of domestic violence victims and survivors. Much like gun violence, domestic violence is an issue that impacts every community — we cannot look at preventing one form of violence without looking at the other.

If you haven’t already, sign our petition demanding the Supreme Court protect domestic violence survivors by ensuring that domestic abusers can’t obtain a firearm and cause more harm →

Take Action

Our movement will never give up fighting for bold gun safety measures for everyone, and especially on behalf of every victim and survivor of domestic violence. We recommit ourselves to fighting against gun violence in every form.

Thanks for playing a critical role in this fight.

In solidarity,

March For Our Lives

P.S. You can read our first brief and second brief here. The briefs highlight survivors' stories of their abusers owning guns and the dangerous effects it has on their livelihoods (content warning: these may be difficult to read for some individuals due to stories of violence).

Contributions will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions or gifts to March For Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. Update your donation information here.
March For Our Lives
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008
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