After three weeks, Republicans in the House of Representatives have finally chosen a new Speaker of the House.
His name is Mike Johnson, and he hates our Social Security system.
In his very first speech following his elevation to Speaker, Johnson called for the immediate creation of a “debt commission” that would create a fast-tracked closed-door process to destroy Social Security and Medicare.1
The best way to defeat a debt commission is before it convenes. We are making sure every member of Congress knows: A vote for a debt commission is a vote to destroy Social Security and Medicare! Can you rush a donation to power our fight to save Social Security from Speaker Mike Johnson?
The Biden Administration rightly called such a panel a “death panel for Medicare and Social Security.”2 Now that Johnson is Speaker, he may demand that such a death panel be convened in exchange for keeping the government open.
Johnson’s stance on Social Security and Medicare is unambiguous. As Chair of the Republican Study Committee from 2019-2021, Johnson released budgets with huge cuts to Social Security and Medicare, including:3
Raising the retirement age
Decimating middle class benefits
Making annual cost-of-living increases smaller
Moving towards privatization of Social Security and Medicare
With the Speaker drama behind them, Congress is racing towards another government shutdown in mid-November. Social Security Works stopped the commission at the last deadline. We know how to win―but we need your help. Can you chip in $7 today?
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
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