Welcome to Thursday, March 5th, topdogs and underdogs... California has declared a state of emergency after the first coronavirus death in the state, bringing the number of U.S. fatalities to at least 11.
The Daily Countable

Welcome to Thursday, March 5th, top-dogs and underdogs...

California has declared a state of emergency after its first coronavirus death, bringing the number of U.S. fatalities to at least 11.

Worried you might have the novel coronavirus? Well, we won't tell you not to fret, but we will try to help you relax with an explanation of the next steps you should take.

On Wednesday, we launched Countable's Coronavirus Info Center.


No politics here—just the facts you need to know to keep you and your loved ones healthy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. 

We also cut through the fictions. Like that facemask above? Bad idea. Despite the images you're seeing from Costco raids, healthy people should not buy or wear masks.

In the Action Center, you'll find:

So head on over to our info hub. We'll make sure to keep it updated with everything you want (and need) to know.

Are you worried about catching the coronavirus?


On the Radar On the Radar icon

Stop Wringing Your Hands and Start Washing Them

Proper handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick during the coronavirus outbreak.

And our aforementioned action center will teach you how. But we don't want you having to wait for this info, so here's our PSA:


Are you changing your hand-washing routine for the coronavirus?



What You're Saying

Here's how you're answering Should Frontline TSA Workers Be Managed Under the Same Personnel System as Other Federal Employees?




Also Worth a Click

And, in the End...

It's National Cheese Doodle Day.

Here's one that resembles Abraham Lincoln:


So enjoy a bag of Cheetos, then enjoy celebrating National Potty Dance day,

—Josh Herman


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