2020 call for proposals: Research on housing policies that promote equity
Housing policies, laws, and regulations are critical to increasing equity in housing, a key factor in health and well-being.
The Policies for Action research program is accepting proposals to build an actionable evidence base by investigating the effectiveness of state, county, and city policies aimed at increasing housing affordability and stability, addressing racial segregation and isolation from opportunity, and increasing access to opportunity-rich neighborhoods and place-based resources.
We are particularly interested in understanding how such policies affect racial equity in housing and neighborhood conditions.
Approximately $2 million will be awarded through this call for proposals. Grants of up to $250,000 will be awarded for up to 24 months.
Letters of intent are due April 29, 2020. We invite interested researchers to attend an informational webinar on Monday, March 30, from 2–3:30 p.m. (EDT). Registration is required.