Dear Neighbor,

Rain hasn't stopped our Fall season fun! We have several free Fall events in our community for all to enjoy and take part in.

Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with us in Castle Hill, join our new Nature Club with the Bronx Zoo, make plans for Trick-or-Treating on Halloween and take advantage of the free services offered at my office! These events are full of activities for the whole family to enjoy together and continue making fun memories throughout the end of the year.

Please share the below flyers with your family and friends and make sure to RSVP for our upcoming events. Looking forward to seeing you there!

In Community,

Hon. Amanda Farías

Council Member, District 18

Community Events

RSVP Here for Tonight's Virtual Input Meeting 
RSVP Here for Thursday's in-person Metro North Meeting 
RSVP for the Día de los Muertos Celebration here
RSVP Required for the Bronx Zoo's Nature Club- Click Here to Sign up Today!

On Halloween - October 31st

My office will be handing out candy to those

 trick or treating from 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

at 778 Castle Hill Avenue

Hope to see you there!

City Hall Events

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