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Dear Friend,

Every year, Giving Tuesday on November 28 provides a critical opportunity for our organization to raise the funds we need to continue our mission. With just a little over a month to go until this important day of action, I’m deeply excited to announce that several generous donors have stepped up to provide a $60,000 matching gift to support our efforts to advance racial, economic, and disability justice for marginalized communities.  

We’re really excited to accept this challenge. Make a gift RIGHT NOW to help us get a head start towards unlocking this extremely generous gift. In order to stay on track, we need to raise $5,000 by October 31. 

2023 has been a busy year for our organization. Here are a few highlights of the past year: 

  • In Alaska, we secured an interim agreement for the State to halve their more than 10,000 person SNAP backlog – ensuring that starving families will get access to the food benefits they need.  

  • In New York City, we took on the Applebee’s New York area franchisee for racial pay discrimination, and separately, sued the New York State Department of Labor to force them to reopen wage theft investigations against 24-hour home care workers. 

  • We’ve hired multiple new legal staff members in the past year to support our high-impact litigation efforts across the country. 

Our legal cases have positively affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Your generous donation will keep that work going. In 2024, we want to take on even more cases and achieve even bigger victories for working people. $60,000 is a generous sum for our organization – act now to help us unlock this matching gift opportunity! 

Help us meet our $5,000 goal by October 31. 

Thank you, 

Dennis Parker 
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice 

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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