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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 5 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


‘Hey, preacher, leave those kids alone’

Andrew Penman laments recent religious incursions into state schools in Britain.



Freedom of religion 'must be defended', UK tells UN

The UK is urging international cooperation to tackle persecution on the grounds of religion or belief.

Christian Today


Oxford dean accused of failing to report child sexual assault claim

The dean of Christ Church – who is also the head of its cathedral – has been accused of failing to disclose an allegation of sexual assault of a minor to police or safeguarding officials.

The Guardian


Bishops to visit schools in Devon as part of C of E festival

Three bishops will visit secondary schools as part of Joy2020, a festival organised by the Church of England in Devon over the next few days.

Devon Live


Call to ban neo-Nazi group in UK

The UK government is being urged to ban a neo-Nazi Satanist group which backs murder and sexual violence.



Abortion rates up in England and Wales

Abortion rates have hit a record high in England and Wales.



‘Women are leading the fight to protect India's secular constitution’

The Citizenship Amendment Act is only part of President Modi's assault on the secular underpinnings of the Indian constitution, says Rahila Gupta.

New Humanist


‘Shameful scenes in India must spark action in UK’

Alyn Smith MP explains why he asked the UK government about the terrible sectarian situation that has erupted in India over the last two weeks.

The National


Former Irish president threatens to leave Catholic Church over sexual abuse

Mary McAleese has written to Pope Francis saying she will leave the Catholic Church if it emerges the Holy See did not protect the members of an organisation for people with disabilities.

The Irish News


Latest from the No More Faith Schools campaign


Education Authority won’t support Evangelical group’s state school

Northern Ireland's Education Authority won't support plans to make two schools run by an evangelical church schools network state funded.


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