This week Reproaction is celebrating a week of action on self-managed abortion hosted by our partners at Abortion on Our Own Terms. Today is self-managed abortion resource day, join us in celebrating by reading and sharing the resources below about self-managed abortion in your area. Keep up with more resources for self-managed abortion at Abortion on Our Own Terms here.
Upcoming Actions:
1. Do you want to host a virtual self-managed abortion with pills information-sharing session with Reproaction? Submit a request here.
2. This Thursday, October 26th, join Advocates for Youth and We Testify by sharing your abortion story. Check out their abortion storytelling guide here.
3. Join the Baltimore Abortion Fund for an abortion-funding bar crawl this Thursday October 26th. More information @baltimorefund
Media Spotlights:
1. Virginia elections offer a test case on abortion ahead of 2024: Gabriella Borter and Joseph Ax, Reuters
2. Democratic judge says abortion is defining issue in Pennsylvania Supreme Court race: Rebekah Sager, American Independent
1. Taking On Abortion Stigma
2. FAQs About Self-Managed Abortion
3. Being Supportive to People Self-Managing Abortion
There’s more where that came from, check out our campaign page at
Why do we love self-managed abortion with pills?
1. “Self-managed abortion is essential because it gives you agency and control over your body and meaningful choices!” – Olivia 26, DC
2. “Everyone should get to decide the course of their own lives” – Kalli, 26, DC
3. “Self-managed abortion gives people freedom, choice, and the ability to take care of themselves in a comfortable environment without stigma.” – Alex, 32, Maryland
Do you want to share why you love Self-Managed Abortion with Pills ? Submit your quote here.
And remember:

See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Laila Salaam
Organizer, Reproaction
P.S. Give today to join the fight against abortion stigma.