Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility



Dear Friend of,


We are inviting you as a member of our network to participate in a short online survey to share your views on alcohol responsibility. Your feedback is important to us as it will help inform our future initiatives to inspire a lifetime of responsible alcohol choices.


You do not need to be an expert in alcohol responsibility or have in-depth knowledge of to participate. We are looking for constructive feedback from a diverse audience with an array of backgrounds and perspectives. Your feedback is anonymous and will be held in strict confidence.


The survey will take no longer than 10-minutes to complete and is being managed by our trusted research partner, Reputation Inc. You can access the survey here.


Your views are highly valued, and we thank you in advance for your contribution. For any further questions, you may contact Maureen Dalbec ([email protected]).


Kind regards,


- The Team leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision-making regarding beverage alcohol.

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