This Should Be On Every Campaign's Radar...
John: our team has been documenting ARPA fund application county-by-county across Virginia ahead of the state's election in November and we've uncovered clear examples of mishandling due to apparent partisan bias. [**Watch this short video detailing our team's activism to uncover the unbiased facts behind ARPA spending in rural counties:**]([link removed])
Republicans in Henry County Virginia have apparently misappropriated ARPA funding for political purposes. They are delaying support for the community, citing partisan talking points, holding funding for ***retrospective*** use when federal guidelines clearly state funds are to be used ***prospectively***.
These are the type of clear-cut, non-partisan facts that will swing independents and win votes in purple and red states.
**John: this needs to be brought to the forefront in Virginia ahead of the state's elections.** [**Rush your support to spotlight this news and help us continue our research into other states and counties!**]([link removed])
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With your support, John, we can expand this project to document ARPA spending in rural counties and spotlight examples of both excellent application and instances of misappropriation. Through these efforts we are not only informing the public, but holding government accountable, and demonstrating activism in action!
**Research Team**
Grassroots Government
No Dem Left Behind PAC
🌱 *Grassroots****Government* 🌱
No Dem Left Behind PAC
80M St. SE Suite 100
Washington D.C. 20003
Paid for by No Dem Left Behind PAC.
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate's committee.
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