As International Tax Rules Are Reshaped, Africa Steps Up
As new technologies, demographics, and climate change shift the global economy, tax rules are being reshaped. African policy-makers are seizing the opportunity to push for a fairer system.
Do Tax Incentives Work for Developing Countries?
Our new Q&A for policy-makers examines the utility and effectiveness of tax incentives as an investment promotion tool.
Policy Coherence and Food Systems Transformation
How can developing countries overcome policy hurdles to provide enough food for their people, sustainably? Our expert has the details.
Reforming International Investment for the SDGs
A UN report about the "catastrophic" effects of Investor–State dispute settlements will no doubt crop up in conversations at the Investment Policy Forum, kicking off today in Panama City.
Supporting a Just Energy Transition in Coal Regions
The Journey to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Canada
Our latest IISD success story reveals how, with help from local NGOs, Canada became the first country in the world to introduce a framework for ending support to oil and gas companies.
How Lowering Emissions Can Alleviate Poverty, Inequality
Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan offers a chance to mitigate climate change while building a more equitable society—our analysis shows how the nation can act on this.
A New Climate Mandate for Province of Manitoba
With the arrival of Manitoba, Canada's new First Nations-led government, the province has an opening to rejuvenate its efforts on climate change. In an op-ed, our experts put forth a plan.