October 24, 2023


Matt Brodsky

[email protected]

Ilhan Omar's Opponent, Dalia, is Heading to Israel

Minneapolis, MN - Ilhan Omar’s Republican challenger for U.S. Congress (MN-5), Dalia Al-Aqidi, is heading to Israel for a week for high-level briefings with Israeli leaders. While there she will meet some of the families of those taken hostage or killed and carry the message that Minnesota stands with the Jewish State. Dalia released the following statement on the eve of her departure:

Israel is one of America’s closest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East. Our bond is based upon the shared values of democracy, freedom of speech, respect for minorities, cherishing human life, and the opportunity for all citizens to pursue their dreams.

I was born in Iraq. I know what it is like to live under tyranny and in fear. Gazans deserve the opportunity for peace and prosperity but that cannot happen with genocidal, Islamist butchers like Hamas in control of Gaza’s future. They sacrifice their people in pursuit of their death cult dreams.

The Arab world cannot afford to have Iran-backed terrorists or a corrupt Palestinian Authority hijack their foreign policies. The future of the region lies in the expansion of the Abraham Accords; an end to Muslim Brotherhood-inspired terrorists; and an end to threats from the regime in Iran that is bent on acquiring nuclear weapons as it continues to spread its malign influence throughout the Middle East and beyond. 

It is in America’s interest to see the region thrive amid peaceful and normalized relations and a strong Israel should be the cornerstone of America’s approach.

Israel has broad support among Minnesotans and the American people. Only radical progressives and anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib object to the unshakable, unbreakable, U.S.-Israel ties.

The message I carry to Israel on behalf of my congressional district is that we stand with you and the Jewish people. Ilhan Omar should know better and does not represent Minnesota values or the values of most Americans. At a time when the difference between good and evil was cast in such stark relief, Ilhan is again standing with and parroting the talking points of terrorists. She was unfit to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and her response to the recent Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist atrocities clearly demonstrate that she is unfit for office.

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