Time to stand up and be counted. We know from history that silence is not an option when it comes to Anti-semitism! Our campuses, funded by your hard-earned tax dollars, are being used as platforms for hate and terrorism. Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and it's happening out in the open, boldly and radically. Now here's the deal:
We've got a petition calling on Secretary of Education, Miguel Cordona, to take a bold stand against terrorism on our college campuses. He has the fewest office staff with the second highest government budget.
We're asking that professors who instruct anti-Semitism and protests supporting terrorism, particularly anti-Semitism, be nipped in the bud by college administrators. If they refuse to act, we demand the removal of government funding. Let us remind them where that money comes from - your pocket, my pocket, our hard work. Sign the petition now. Thousands of emails will be sent to Secretary Cordona and our voices will be heard.
With hope and solidarity with Israel, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. We need as many signatures as possible. Share this petition far and wide. Every voice counts. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Stand against terror-celebrating protests and rising anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses and in university classrooms! Urge Secretary of Education, Miguel Cordona, to enact repercussions for colleges that promote anti-Semitism in the classroom and on the campus. Protect Jewish students and citizens. Sign now to defund anti-Semistism! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
It is distressing to witness the alarming increase in anti-Semitism, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of university students. We cannot be silent spectators! History has certainly taught us that silence in the face of anti-Semitism is equal to participation - it is time to take action! We have witnessed acts of anit-Semisism at our most prestigious universities. Like it or not, these prestigious universities feed leaders directly into Congress, the House of Representatives and the White House. If attacks against freedom are allowed to continue in the heart of our prestigious universities, we will reap the whirlwind of elitist extremists in our government in a few short years.
Sign our petition now to call on Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona, to take a stand against the support of terrorism on U.S. government-funded college campuses.
Jewish students are feeling increasingly unsafe. The anti-Semitism at our universities is palpable. Just last week, a 19-year-old woman was charged with assaulting another student over a poster dispute involving the names and images of hostages held by Hamas. On the campus of Yale University, "Free Palestine" messages were written in chalk overnight. Even educators seem to be part of the problem. Zareena Grewal, a professor at Yale, wrote after a Hamas attack, "Settlers are not civilians. This is not hard." Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. At Harvard, the Palestine Solidarity Committee student group released a statement blaming Israel for all unfolding violence. These incidents have left Jewish students feeling threatened in their own country. We can't just stand by and watch. We need to act now. Jewish American students are living through the horror of seeing their homeland under attack. They shouldn't have to fear for their safety in the United States. Here's the thing. Jewish students have every right to feel safe in the United States. The ongoing attacks on Israel, and the retaliatory strikes against the Gaza Strip held by Hamas, should not embolden left-wing extremists to express anti-Semitism on our public university campuses. These are institutions of higher learning, funded by our government. They should be havens of safety and inclusivity. It's high time we took this issue seriously and acted accordingly.
Let's bring about change. Sign our petition urging Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona, to act against terrorism support on U.S. government-funded college campuses.
So, why would our petition work? Secretary Cordona runs with the fewest staff of all cabinet positions but welds power over the second highest budget. When thousands of emails flood his office he will hear our voices. As the head of the Department of Education, Secretary Miguel Cordona has the authority and power to hold educational institutions accountable for their failure to combat anti-Semitic activities. With government funding at stake, the department can enforce policies that promote zero tolerance for hateful ideologies and anti-Semitism on campuses. Elite leftist students who rallied in support of the terrorist organizations attacking Israel, and the freedoms Israel stands for, will most certainly be leading our government in the near future. We're at a crossroads. If we don't win this fight, anti-Semitism will continue to flourish at our universities. Remember, as Abraham Lincoln wisely said, "The philosophy of the classroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next." But if we succeed, we can create an environment where Jewish students feel safe, and anti-Semitic behaviors are deemed unacceptable. This is our chance to make a difference. But we need to act while the world is watching!
Join us. Sign our petition calling on Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona, to stop the support of terrorism and anti-Semitism on U.S. government-funded college campuses. In solidarity with Israel, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Once you've signed, please share the petition with as many people as possible. Let's make our voices heard.