Dear John,
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said he’s had enough of it.
He’s declared he wants an end to the live export of draft horses to Japan for slaughter for human consumption.
Recognizing Trudeau’s leadership on the issue, we today called on President Joe Biden to raise his voice and help us halt the live export of American horses for slaughter. I was joined in that call with actress Katherine Heigl and with three leaders of America’s best known Thoroughbred racing organizations. You can read our letter here.
This ugly, century-long era of allowing “kill buyers” to collect up healthy horses and then to funnel them into the slaughter pipeline must end.
We calculate it’s about 666 truckloads of American equines—30 animals to a truck—transported from safe places in the United States to slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada every year.
One day they're galloping in a pasture. Or carrying a human companion on a shade-covered trail in a painted forest. Or racing on a track in front of thousands, with fans admiring their grace and their flexing of muscle as they eat up ground and gallop at 45 miles an hour.
On a different day, however, they may be sold at auction. They are then hustled up the ramp of a trailer and jammed in with other frightened horses. Sent to a hold facility with dirty water, no food, their injuries unattended. And transported again in another overcrowded truck with urine and feces-soaked floors, often on a journey of more than 20 hours, with no break or food or water.
And then, with eyes as big as saucers, they are forced into a kill box with an electric prod. There, men put a captive bolt gun to their heads and then slit their throat. They are then taken apart piece by piece. Their parts are sent to Belgium or Kazakhstan for a high-end diner to consume, perhaps without a thought of the suffering the animal endured for such a fleeting meal.
When President Biden was a U.S. Senator, he spoke out against horse slaughter for human consumption. But now nearly three-quarters into his first term as America’s chief executive, he’s been silent about America’s dirty little secret of horse slaughter.
In an investigation we released earlier this year, we documented that these animals—most of whom provided years of faithful service and companionship or run free on public lands in the American West—are routinely subjected to a level of mistreatment inconsistent with the dictates of our anti-cruelty laws and at odds with the norms of our long-standing appreciation of these animals.
It's two trucks of frightened horses bound for slaughter plants every day of the year.
We must ban the slaughter of U.S.-born horses shipped live to Canada or Mexico for that awful end-of-life experience.
We need your help to get President Biden and lawmakers in Congress to act and stop this form of cruelty. You can use our online tool to communicate your support of the SAFE Act to your Congressman and Senators.
If Canada’s parliament and Prime Minister Trudeau can get on the record on horse slaughter, then so can President Biden and our Congress. Indeed, what we need is a chorus of North American leaders to halt the trade in North American horses for slaughter.
These poor creatures—whose forebears literally helped Americans settle the country—have done nothing wrong. They are just the unwitting victims of a predatory industry.
This year, we are going to do all we can to pass national legislation to shut down these live-horse exports for slaughter.
That’s why we hope you’ll donate today and join us in this fight and finally bury the horse slaughter industry.
t’s the right time to call on Congress to pass the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act. The U.S.-based horse slaughter plants were shuttered once and for all in 2007. But now we need a national policy to deal with live exports of horses to slaughter plants just over our borders.
If it’s wrong to slaughter American horses on U.S. soil, it’s wrong also to outsource that slaughter to Canada or Mexico. Every lawmaker of conscience—Democrat or Republican, urban or rural, horse owner or just horse admirer—should join this cause.
Let’s do this together. With urgency.
For the horses,
Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action