![]() Patriot, Time goes on, and as of this writing, the House of Representatives still has not elected a new House Speaker. We do not know how much longer this will continue, but it can’t go on forever. We DO know what will happen once a new speaker is in place. . . They’re going to say we need to pass some kind of budget . . . any kind of budget . . . to prevent a
government shutdown on November 16. You can bet it will be another financially reckless monstrosity, almost certainly bigger than ever before, and probably with billions in new spending for the multiple wars our country is now entangled in. “We have no choice,” they’ll tell us, “but to pass a Biden supplemental, or omnibus, that increases spending.” “We’re sorry, but it’s not our fault; the world is on fire, and we’re out of time,”
they’ll say in so many words. And that will be a lie. This is a mess of their own making. It is their fault. You and I weren’t consulted when Republican leadership in the House CHOSE to wait until September before working on the TWELVE budget bills that had to pass before the end of the month! And it would also be false to say they have no choice. It is because of the reckless, out-of-control spending for decades we are in the mess we find ourselves in. And reining in the federal budget is the best hope we have from these crises spiraling even further out of control. That’s simply not what the pathological spenders in Washington want to do . . . they just want to evade being held responsible for breaking their promises to cut the budget and start to rein in the ballooning national debt. “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” is what Obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel used to say. And that’s just what many in Congress want to do now: exploit a “good crisis” and spend, spend, spend. That’s why it’s critical you send your CUT the SPENDING petition to Washington right away – while the Speaker race is still happening – so they know you will not accept their excuses for another out-of-control budget. Just look at what will be at stake: *** Interest on the national debt becoming the
biggest expense of government. The majority of your tax dollars won’t be spent on anything tangible – just making interest
payments on the debt! No matter how well you’ve managed your personal finances, the government is taking more and more of your money
just in debt service. *** Subsidizing socialism. The more money the government spends on entitlements, the more people become dependent on the money, and the more money they spend, the more money they need. It’s a cycle that won’t end until we’re all on the dole – and our nation’s prosperity is utterly gone. *** Crony capitalism at its worst. Every time the government spends the people’s money, they’re buying votes from special interests. This is why we have the costliest and most wasteful foreign policy in the world: because politicians in Washington are making decisions based on getting money for their districts, instead of acting in the national interest. It’s the welfare-warfare state at work, and we must demand Congress break the cycle. Tell Congress right now: I demand you CUT the Spending! Republicans will be under intense pressure to buckle. On top of all of the normal pressures of Washington, Democrats think shutting down the government will benefit them politically – so much that they’re openly saying they’re willing to shut down the government just to get more money for Ukraine. Patriot, these extremist tactics need to be stopped. It’s up to us to make sure Republicans hold the line . . . and we know this will not be easy. Plus, we still need to hold lawmakers accountable on the issues we’ve been fighting all year, in a very different environment in the House: >>>We need to ensure the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act ends the
indefinite detention of Americans once and for all. >>>We need to get the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act passed. >>>We need to make sure Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act expires and won’t be brought back from the dead. >>>And we need to make sure Audit the Fed is a priority. So after you sign your petition to your representative, please support Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution. With your support, we’ll be able to target the new leadership and get their phones ringing on all of these issues. Unlike some other groups, Campaign for Liberty does not rely on a vast network of donors with deep pockets (and their own agenda) to keep us afloat – we exist only because of the generosity of grassroots donors like you. It’s only thanks to your support we’ve gotten these issues as far as we have. Now, we need to fight harder than ever. So Patriot, can I count on you to make an emergency contribution of $50, $100, or $250 to help Campaign for Liberty plan for the mobilization we know we will need to mount as soon as new leadership is chosen? With your support, we will be able to mobilize an army of grassroots patriots and unleash a torrent of phone calls, emails, postcards, and more to targeted lawmakers – especially the next Speaker – to make sure they are ready to hold the line on their promises to CUT federal spending, and to keep our legislation at the forefront. The American people know the economy is an absolute disaster. And if the Washington Swamp wants to play shutdown games, the American people will know who to blame. But we need to make sure Republicans take a stand. Tell your representative right now: HOLD THE LINE on the budget! And after you sign, please help Campaign for Liberty hold them accountable. To help us turn up the pressure, can you make your most generous contribution of $100, $250, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty prepare to push these issues front-and-center in the months to come. If you can afford just $10, $20, or $50 now, your gift along with other Campaign for Liberty supporters will help us meet our goal as we head into a very busy final quarter of 2023. Everything is on the line in the next few months. You and I must continue to fight for liberty. Please make your largest possible donation now so we can take on the statists and crony capitalists in Congress who want to stay the course. Now is the time for change! ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a critical moment. The House of Representatives is frozen until it chooses its next Speaker, but once it does, the budget will be an immediate battle. Tell your lawmakers right now: NO MORE SPENDING! And then, we need to be ready to adjust our plans quickly so we can flood the new leadership with calls to action. Your contribution today, of $100, $250, $500 or more, or whatever you can afford will help us mobilize that pressure the moment it is needed. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |