John, it's simple: the only way we're going to take back the Senate majority is if we win big in the Midwest. And that means winning races in Kansas and Minnesota, and flipping this seat in Iowa.

And who better to stand up to Mitch McConnell and his agenda that harms our families than strong Midwestern women? Senator Tina Smith (MN), Barbara Bollier (KS), and I are all running for Senate because we're tired of seeing partisan politics being placed before people.

Access to affordable health care, the future of Social Security and Medicare, and prescription drug costs are all on the ballot this fall. But we won't be able to act unless we're all in the Senate and we can't get there without the help of grassroots supporters like you.

Split a donation of $5 between our campaigns right now to help us win big in the Midwest and flip the Senate.

The Midwest is a top target for the GOP this year. National Republicans are spending big across our states because they know our races will determine who controls the Senate come November.

That's why we need to make sure we're doing everything we can right now to fight back. We Midwestern women might be scrappy, but we can't flip the Senate alone and we're relying on grassroots supporters like you to join us in this fight.

Help show McConnell that Midwestern women get it done. Split a donation between our campaigns right now.



Theresa Greenfield isn't taking a dime of corporate PAC money -- instead, we're relying on our average online contribution of just $17. Will you pitch in now to help us take back this seat and flip the Senate?



PO Box 685, Des Moines, IA 50303
Contributions or gifts to Theresa Greenfield for Iowa are not tax deductible.

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