From UPDATE [via] <[email protected]>
Subject re: Medicaid expansion
Date August 7, 2019 1:15 AM
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When the GOP removed Medicaid expansion from the People's Budget, we knew the fight was far from over.

The fact is that over seventy percent of Wisconsinites support Medicaid Expansion. That is why Democrats just proposed legislation to expand Medicaid.

It is a sad fact that the GOP leadership in the State Legislature continues to block this legislation.

If we want Medicaid expansion to become a reality, we need to make sure there is an overwhelming amount of pressure put on the Republicans blocking this bill.

That's why we need you to join Governor Evers and Wisconsin Democrats to demand the GOP in the State Legislature say yes to Medicaid Expansion.

Click here to add your name and join us.
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When Republicans dismiss the idea to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin, as they have for 8 years, they're dismissing the stories and the struggles of real families across our state.

By not expanding Medicaid, the GOP legislature is letting millions of our tax dollars be sent to other states for their Medicaid programs.

Expanding Medicaid will not only allow us to expand coverage to more than 80,000 Wisconsinites, we will save $324 million in state tax dollars by accepting Federal tax dollars.

The Bottom Line: when we say yes to expanding Medicaid, everyone wins.

The GOP Majority in the State Legislature needs to listen to the will of Wisconsinites and expand Medicaid to make sure our tax dollars are put to use right here in Wisconsin.

Please click here and add your name to tell the GOP legislature to support Medicaid Expansion now, before it's too late.
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Thanks for all you do,

Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair

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