Welcome to Tuesday, October 24th, readers...

Hate crimes are growing worldwide in response to the Israel-Gaza War.

French police recorded over 320 physical acts of antisemitism and made over 180 arrests in the first 10 days of the Israel-Gaza war. In Carcassonne, the words “killing Jews is a duty” were graffitied outside a stadium.

How do you feel about the global response?

Antarctic ice melt in 21st century is inevitable, new report

Scientists believe rapid ice melt in west Antarctica is inevitable in this century, no matter how much climate initiatives cut carbon emissions, even in the most ambitious Paris Agreement targets of keeping global heating below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

Are you concerned about sea level rise?

Trump former lawyer Chesebro pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Kenneth Chesebro, a co-defendant in the Georgia election subversion case, has pleaded guilty. Chesebro was an attorney who helped construct the fake electors plot. He pleaded guilty Friday to a felony: conspiracy to commit filing false documents. Chesebro admitted to entering a conspiracy with Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and John Eastman.

Do you think Trump is guilty of racketeering?

China's 10-year anniversary summit for Belt and Road initiative

China celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative last week, with 130 world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, in attendance.

Are you worried about China's global presence?

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

Today is United Nations Day. What can we all do as an international community to enhance peace, wellbeing, and justice around the world?

— Emma Kansiz

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