Dear Friend
We don’t waste precious funds or harm the environment by mailing you pens, address labels, holidays cards, or other items you don’t want or need to persuade you to donate.
Instead, we let the cost-effectiveness and moral righteousness of our work fighting U.S. hunger speak for itself.
Since 2020, our multilingual team of specialists has helped 20,000 struggling Americans obtain $45 million in government nutrition assistance. Through our AmeriCorps VISTA Program, we’ve placed hundreds of idealistic public servants with anti-hunger groups from Maine to Alaska to build their capacities to feed more people.
On top of all that, we successfully push for public policies to eventually end U.S. hunger by ensuring that all Americans can access healthy food.
Domestic hunger is soaring now because of the combined impacts of federal cut-backs and inflation, so we need your help more than ever.
Please make any tax-deductible donation you can afford to Hunger Free America.
Joel Berg, CEO
Hunger Free America
P.S. We transparently post our most recent financial statements on our web site at and send hard copies to anyone who wants them if you write to us HFA, 50 Broad Street, Suite 1504, NY, NY 10004. Because we keep fundraising and overhead cost to a minimum and pay our executives modest, public-interest salaries, fully 85% of our spending goes directly to our programs fighting hunger. Please help us today.