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My name is Tony Nam and I am the National Finance and Operations Director for Indivisible. 

I was in a training recently where the instructor asked a simple question: Why do you do this work?

And my response was like many in the room. I think of my kids, my oldest beginning their first year of college, and I want them to have a better future. Not just them, but their generation and all those that come after. I want them to have access to good jobs, a strong social safety net if they need it, a livable planet, and a functioning democracy. I want them to know when all that was threatened by an increasingly autocratic Republican Party, I was part of a movement that fought back. 

I don’t typically reach out to our members, but I am writing to you now at a critical time in that fight. 

At Indivisible, we are in the middle of budgeting for next year, and I don’t have to tell you how important 2024 will be. MAGA extremists continue to attack our values, vital members of our communities, and the foundations of our democracy itself. From banning books, dismantling reproductive rights, trashing the environment, marginalizing LGBTQ+ youth, and stripping away voter rights, they have shown again and again a version of America we want no part of. 

That is why since early this spring, Indivisible has been strategizing how to best prepare and equip our members for the fights ahead, to not only push back against the MAGA extremists but lay the groundwork for real progressive change that restores reproductive rights, protects our democracy and ensures economic well being for all. Indivisible has been on the frontlines of these fights before and with the support of our members we know what kind of difference we can make.

But here’s the thing: Progressive organizations have been struggling this past year to meet financial goals, and Indivisible is not immune. Contributions from individual small dollar-donors, an absolutely crucial base of support, are down by 11% as of the end of September. That may not seem like much, but it translates to hundreds of thousands of dollars of support we were counting on this year.

So today, as we prepare for a grueling but existential election next year, I’m reaching out to ask if you can chip in to help us win.

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As we look ahead to 2024, we all must ask ourselves, in light of the financial challenges we are seeing across the progressive space, what investments can we realistically make in this fight? 

And I hope the answer is: everything we possibly can. Indivisible is planning to invest:

  • $750,000 for digital messaging tools and improvements to online resources to ensure our movement remains active and responsive. 
  • $500,000 toward media and public engagement, including our new Neighbor-to-Neighbor GOTV initiative that offers an exciting new way for individuals to make an unparalleled impact in close races. 
  • Over $800,000 in resources and support for local groups to gather, train, engage, and power the change we all need to see in 2024.  

I want us to do it all, to do everything we can to ensure we win the fights ahead to get the leadership we deserve. 

But as Finance Director, it's my job to look at the numbers and say what we can and cannot afford. The 2024 elections may still be a year away, but this is the time decisions are made that will determine how we can affect what happens next fall. This is the time to build for that better future.

So if you’re in a position to do so, please dig deep and chip in right now. We have $110,000 left to go just to hit our grassroots goal for October, and the months ahead will be no less vital. 

Make a monthly donation here >>
Make a one-time donation here >> 

In solidarity,
Tony Nam

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Paid for by Indivisible Action ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

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To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Action, PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010. Contributions to Indivisible Action are not tax-deductible.