Friend, monkeys need your voice TODAY!
Congress is currently considering providing an additional $30 million in taxpayer dollars to support even more experiments on monkeys in the United States. Monkeys used in experiments spend their days in barren cages—except when they are being subjected to painful and terrifying procedures. They are force-fed potentially toxic substances, infected with diseases and can be immobilized in restraint chairs for hours on end. Please join us in urging Congress to stop this proposed expansion of monkey experiments.

This proposal is appalling considering that there are non-animal alternatives that are proving superior to animal tests and where Congress should instead be investing. These experiments on monkeys have very limited value and cause extreme suffering to more than 100,000 monkeys in U.S. laboratories every year. Because this proposal is part of the upcoming spending bill in Congress, we don’t have a moment to lose. We cannot allow this archaic practice to be expanded further than it already has. On behalf of these poor monkeys, please tell your legislators to oppose this terrible proposal.
Thank you for your voice and your action.