is a life-saving deadline for 338 kittens.
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Taxpayer – I know it’s late, I'm sorry. But midnight tonight is a potentially life-saving deadline for 338 kittens.

Your support is crucial.

Your generous contribution will enable us to continue our investigation, advocate for transparency, put pressure on Congress and agencies like the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation to cut funding for these deadly kitten experiments and retire the survivors to loving homes.

Friend, White Coat Waste Project is committed to fighting for animals and the responsible use of taxpayer dollars in scientific research – but we can’t save Auburn’s sick kittens without financial support from our grassroots right now.

Please consider rushing a life-saving donation within the hour:

Midnight Deadline: DONATE >>

Thank you for your dedication to this cause. Your support means everything to us, the innocent kittens in harm's way, and a brighter future where taxpayer dollars are used responsibly and ethically.

Avery Kron
Campaign Assistant
White Coat Waste Project

Dear Taxpayer,

I wish I were writing with better news. Today, I'm reaching out to you with urgency and a heartfelt request for immediate support.  

Our investigators just uncovered a deeply disturbing government kitten breeding operation that has sent shockwaves through our organization and reaffirmed the importance of our mission.  

BREAKING INVESTIGATION: Auburn University in Alabama is purpose-breeding thousands of kittens to be born with horrific genetic diseases, then conducting cruel taxpayer-funded experiments on their weak, sick bodies. 



Taxpayer, the footage we’ve unearthed from Auburn’s taxpayer-funded lab reveals the horrifying extent of this abuse.

What you see above is a video of a helpless Siamese lab kitten (Govt ID #8-1761) struggling to walk. Here’s why: 

  • BORN FOR PAIN: She was purpose-bred at Auburn’s kitten mill to suffer from a rare genetic disorder that progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. 
  • DEBILITATING SYMPTOMS: Vision loss. Excruciating bone pain. Head tremors. Paralysis. Seizures. Each day was worse than the last. 
  • “ENDPOINT”: The white coats wrote lab notes saying the little girl in this video was “near her humane endpoint at 6.4 months of age.” She was likely killed shortly after. 
  • YOUR TAX BILL? Her abusers have been rewarded with $196,458 since 2013.



Taxpayer, kitten #8-1761 is not alone—this is just one example of the taxpayer-funded torture taking place inside Auburn's laboratory walls.

Other tests include inducing BRAIN DAMAGE, OBESITY, DIABETES, INFECTIONS, and even forcing them to ingest TOXIC, experimental drugs.

EMERGENCY SITUATION: Auburn's white coats are trying to ram through MORE tax funding to subsidize its sadistic kitten mill and conduct EVEN MORE horrific experiments.

Last year alone, they bred, imprisoned, and abused 338 cats and kittens in their labs—a 40 percent increase from the previous year.

72 HOUR DEADLINE: Please follow this secure link to rush an emergency donation of whatever you can afford to cut ALL taxpayer funding to Auburn's cat labs, end the experiments, and retire any survivors to loving homes. 

Taxpayer, this isn't the first time we've asked for your help to save government lab kittens. Because of your donations, White Coat Waste Project was able to:

  • Shut down the Los Angeles VA's $5 million suffocation experiments.
  • Annihilated the USDA's $22 million "Kitten Slaughterhouse."
  • Cut the Cleveland VA's $4.9 million bladder and constipation tests.
  • Ended the VA's $1.3 million treadmill torture at the Louisville lab.
  • Defunded Putin's $770,000 kitten experiments. (And every other animal test in Russia). 

Taxpayer, we can do it again for Auburn's kitten prisoners, but not without support from our grassroots. 

REMINDER: 70% of our campaign funding comes from $20 gifts. We depend on taxpayers and pet owners like you to help us sustain our campaigns and WIN. 

Your generous donation will allow us to fight for the release of critical documents and information relating to Auburn's lab (which they are currently REFUSING to hand over), shed light on its horrific kitten mill, and lobby Congress to take action. 

To rush a donation, please visit our secure donation page here:

Thank you for your time, your compassion, and your support.

Together, we will work tirelessly to end taxpayer-funded kitten torture and ensure that Auburn's prisoners go from LAB cats to LAP cats.

You give. We win. They survive. 

Amanda Nieves 
Digital Director 
White Coat Waste Project 

P.S. Please watch the video to see firsthand the heartbreaking reality of Auburn University's kitten torture and consider making a donation today to help us end this suffering. 


Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
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