

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about Super Tuesday -- with record Democratic turnout in states like Virginia and Utah, voters are motivated like never before.

No matter who you support for President, the energy and excitement that we’re seeing in Democrats around the country is great news for everyone fighting to defeat President Trump. 

We’ve got a ton of momentum heading into the General Election this November. If yesterday’s turnout is any indication, people are energized to elect Democrats because they know they can count on us to truly represent their interests. And even though the New Jersey primary is still a ways away, I’m sure this enthusiasm will translate into strong candidates and Democratic victories here and across the country. 

>> Chip in and help elect Democrats in November!

As Democrats, we side with working families over the wealthy, with the middle class over the politically connected. And above all we fight for a future that works for everyone.  

This primary season is about more than the presidential nominee -- it’s about putting forth a slate of Democrats at all levels of government who represent our country’s middle class and stand in opposition to Republicans and President Trump.

In New Jersey, we’re committed to defeating President Trump, re-electing New Jersey’s Democratic Congressional Delegation, and flipping New Jersey’s Second and Fourth Districts. Will you donate to show your support for Democrats at all levels of government?




Saily Avelenda, NJDSC Executive Director








Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

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