Pro-polluter legislators produce their most extreme partisan gerrymandered district maps yet. Plus a new study reveals storms today are twice as likely to rapidly intensify as they near landfall due to warmer ocean waters. This and more in your CIB for the week of October 23rd.

Pro-polluter legislators produce their most extreme partisan gerrymandered district maps yet. Plus a new study reveals storms today are twice as likely to rapidly intensify as they near landfall due to warmer ocean waters. This and more in your CIB for the week of October 23rd.


 NC Gerrymandering Turns Even Uglier

Drawing in secret, Republican mapmakers last week revealed new Congressional and legislative district maps designed to produce North Carolina’s most extreme partisan gerrymanders yet.

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Grid Improvements Needed to Maximize Renewable Energy Use

Many politicians talk about “energy independence”—but we prefer the leaders who are actually working effectively to make it happen.

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forest cover

Warmer Oceans Produce Rapidly Intensifying Storms

A new study of fifty years of data on tropical storms in the Atlantic reveals that storms today are twice as likely to rapidly intensify as they near landfall, due to warmer ocean waters likely associated with global climate change.

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