This week at CBPP, we focused on federal tax, housing, health, state budgets and taxes, food assistance, and the economy.
* On federal tax, Chuck Marr noted ([link removed]) that 3 million veteran and active-duty households would benefit from the proposed Working Families Tax Relief Act. Yixuan Huang described ([link removed]) how proposals, including the Working Families Tax Relief Act, would help same-sex couples. Marr, Huang, and Vincent Palacios analyzed ([link removed]) legislation from the House Ways and Means Committee that would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. We updated our backgrounders on federal payroll taxes ([link removed]) and tax exemptions, deductions, and credits
([link removed]) .
* On housing, Anna Bailey explained ([link removed]) how a proposed rule from the Trump Administration would force 25,000 families to split up or lose their rental assistance, risking eviction and homelessness.
* On health, Judith Solomon and Jessica Schubel warned against ([link removed]) Medicaid waivers that could let states ignore federal standards and beneficiary protections, posing serious risks to beneficiaries, providers, and states. We also released a related policy brief ([link removed]) . Schubel updated ([link removed]) a report on how partial Medicaid expansions fall short of full Medicaid expansions with respect to coverage and access to care. Jennifer Wagner updated ([link removed]) an analysis of Arkansas’ Medicaid waiver, which has taken coverage away from
eligible people.
* On state budget and tax, Michael Leachman described ([link removed]) how state legislatures used their sessions this year to raise revenue for schools and other investments.
* On food assistance, we updated our backgrounder on SNAP ([link removed]) (food stamps) and an interactive map on SNAP participation in states ([link removed]) .
* On the economy, we updated our chart book on the post-Great Recession economy ([link removed]) and our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available ([link removed]) .
Chart of the Week — Proposed Trump Rule Would Force 25,000 Families to Split Up or Lose Their Rental Assistance
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts recently. Here are some of the highlights:
400,000 households could lose food stamps under Trump plan expected soon ([link removed])
Washington Post
June 25, 2019
Trump’s poverty proposal prompts alarms over cuts to Medicaid, Head Start ([link removed])
June 24, 2019
Roll Call
Trump Claims He Saved Obamacare, Despite His Multiple Attempts to Kill It ([link removed])
New York Magazine
June 24, 2019
Trump plan to re-calculate poverty level would affect school lunch, Head Start eligibility ([link removed])
Education Dive
June 24, 2019
The Trump administration is trying to make an under-the-radar change to essential programs that would cut healthcare and food assistance for millions of people ([link removed])
Business Insider
June 23, 2019
Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts – follow us on Twitter ([link removed]) , Facebook ([link removed]) , and Instagram ([link removed]) .
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