IMPORTANT: You may view this email using your home email on your personal computer, smart phone, or other electronic device when not on government property. BUT, this information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time, or sent to others using government equipment, because it involves taking an election related action and could be a violation of the Hatch Act. Do not forward this email to government or home email addresses as it contains AFGE member information specific to you.
Dear John,
By now you’ve seen all the ads, received texts and emails, and of course, lots of mail. It’s a lot and we get it. But for us union members who vote, it’s so important that we make sure Virginia stands boldly by electing leaders who will stand with and for working people.
The election is only a few days away and the point is: Get out and vote. You matter, your voice matters, and your vote matters.
We don’t have to tell you about the struggles many working families are having and though, union families are faring better than most, we still face challenges. It is us who continue the fight for the good jobs, stability, fairness and safety at the worksite and quite frankly, we have to have leaders in the General Assembly who will fight for us. This year, we can elect leaders who will protect our freedoms as workers and fight for our right to join together, to have a voice in the workplace, and to negotiate for safe working conditions, good benefits, and fair wages that allow us to provide for our families. We can elect the leaders who will help fix this economy, defend our democracy, protect our healthcare and so much more. Elections have consequences and your vote is so important.
How you vote is your decision, but union endorsed candidates are the best choice for working families this November.
Early Voting: Voter registration offices and early vote locations are OPEN, including on Saturday, Oct. 28th and Nov. 4th (and in some localities on Sundays).
Voting By Mail: The deadline to apply for a mail in ballot: October 27, 2023 at 5pm.
Election Day Voting: Polls will be open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 7th. Information about polling locations and acceptable photo IDs, can be found on the Virginia Department of Elections website:
In Solidarity,
For the latest AFGE news and information, follow us on: