But Mississippi deserves to know the truth.
Brandon Presley for Mississippi

John, Tate Reeves loves to run his mouth and tout his record as governor, but you know the old saying — actions speak louder than words:

Multiple news headline show Tate Reeve's corruption.

Tate doesn’t care about his constituents. I know it. You know it.

Whether it's splurging millions of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars on sprucing up the governor's mansion with fancy stuff like lemon trees, ice makers, and a meditation garden.

Or wasting tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars traveling the country to rub shoulders with special interests on our taxpayer-funded plane.

And let's not forget about his involvement in Mississippi's biggest corruption scandal, not to mention his family benefiting from taxpayer contracts during his tenure. It's as clear as day — Tate's got to go.

There’s one problem: Tate and his good-for-nothing cronies are pounding us in dishonest ads right now. If we don't act fast and fight back, our chance to kick him out of office in 15 days might slip away. This is an election of a lifetime, John. Can I count on your donation of any amount to give our self-serving governor the boot on November 7th?

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Thanks for your support,

Brandon Presley

Brandon Presley


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