Auburn’s sick kittens NEED you.
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You are receiving this email from the White Coat Waste Project because you took action to end wasteful animal experiments. If you no longer believe in ending taxpayer-funded animal cruelty, you can click here to unsubscribe.

Dear Taxpayer, 

Time is running out, and we need your support more than ever. The horrors at Auburn University's taxpayer-funded kitten breeding and experimentation facility continue, and we must act swiftly. 

Our past victories, thanks to supporters like you, prove that we can get the job done. But Auburn’s white coats are pushing for more tax funding to intensify their cruelty.

They've increased the number of kittens used in painful experiments by 40% in just one year. 

RAPID RESPONSE DEADLINE: Your contribution, no matter the amount, can help us: 

Expose the abuse to 100 taxpayers and pet owners via paid advertising.

RUSH $35 >>

Fight in court for the release of vital documents that Auburn is withholding. 

RUSH $50 >>

Lobby Congress to end taxpayer funding to Auburn's cat labs.

RUSH $100 >>

Please visit our secure donation page. Your donation can transform LAB cats into LAP cats and save lives. 

Thank you for your compassion and support. 

You give. We win. They survive. 

MaryAnn Hussey 
Creative Manager 
White Coat Waste Project 

P.S. The quickest and most effective way to shut down these deadly kitten tests is to eliminate the program’s tax funding. With your support, that’s exactly what we’ll do. 

Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-085643