Thursday marked an important deadline in the Harlan Crow saga.

John — we have a Supreme Court corruption update.


Last Thursday was the deadline for billionaire right-wing benefactor Harlan Crow to respond to a letter from Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin with further details about his financial relationship with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.


I bet you can guess what happened: nothing.


Clearly, Crow isn’t planning to comply. So the next steps for our elected leaders in the Senate are clear: they must hold hearings, subpoena the people involved, and investigate this disturbing pattern of misconduct at our nation’s highest court.


Senate Democrats must use their power to swiftly investigate ethical lapses by Justices Thomas and Alito. Will you sign our petition urging Senate leaders to hold hearings and investigate the dangerous pattern of corruption unfolding at the court?


See below for more info ⬇️


Will you sign our petition to urge Senate Democratic leaders to hold public hearings on corruption at the Supreme Court?



It has been months since the first reports about Justice Clarence Thomas’ corruption broke, and Congress — including the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, which has oversight powers to rein in the Supreme Court — has yet to take real, tangible action to investigate his misconduct.


That’s unacceptable, and it’s past time for Senate Democrats to use their powers as part of a co-equal branch of government to rein in the alleged corruption of this stolen right-wing Court. 


Will you add your name to our petition urging Senate leaders to restore public trust in this illegitimate Court by launching investigations into its unprecedented corruption — including by holding urgent and timely public hearings?

Luxury vacations. Private jet trips. Family members’ private school tuition. Real estate deals. Even a souped-up R.V. — the list of lavish gifts, trips, and favors bestowed upon Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito by wealthy right-wing benefactors appears to have no end.


To get to the bottom of this pattern of misconduct at the highest court in the land, Congress needs to hear directly from the people involved. Sign our petition to tell Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin to hold full public hearings on Clarence Thomas’ and Samuel Alito’s misconduct as soon as possible.


Our democratically elected leaders must use their oversight authority to hold the justices, including Thomas and Alito, to the highest ethical standards. These justices cannot continue to brazenly disregard ethics rules without being publicly held to account.


Add your name to our call for Senate Democratic leaders to hold emergency hearings on Thomas’ and Alito’s ethics violations, and we will deliver our petition to these senators’ offices next month at the beginning of the next Supreme Court term.


It’s crucial that our elected leaders understand the urgency and gravity of our calls to hold these corrupt justices accountable. We need to rein in this rogue Court immediately, and we can’t do it without you.


Thank you for your partnership in our fight to take back the Court,


Sarah Lipton-Lubet

President, Take Back the Court Action Fund