
NYC Mayor’s Latest Bid to Suspend Adult Shelter Rights Cools in Court

In a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday, following 90 minutes of closed-door discussions, New York State Supreme Court Judge Gerald Lebovits said attorneys for the city, state and homeless advocates will instead continue meeting in private, with an eye toward a possible settlement.

“The parties have agreed that for now there should not be a war of legal papers,” Judge Lebovits said. “That for now, the solution is to try to settle the matter if possible and to solve any problem that may exist.”

The news was welcome to the Legal Aid Society, which has been locked in negotiations for months on behalf of Coalition for the Homeless. Talks started in the late spring, after Mayor Adams first sought relief from the 1981 consent decree in Callahan v. Carey, a lawsuit that established the right to shelter for single men.

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‘They Assigned Us Far Away’: As Shelter Limit Policy Expands, Some Families Are Already Too Familiar

Hundreds of recently-arrived immigrant families with children have been subject to 28-day limits on hotel shelter stays in recent months, as the city insists it’s run out of space to lodge them. The program is separate from a broader announcement Mayor Eric Adams made Monday, as his administration plans further shelter deadlines for a population long singled out as a priority for stable placements.

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East Harlem’s La Marqueta Struggles to Rebound to its Glory Days

“We were promised a lot of things, like other vendors being in here, a full kitchen through the EDC, but nothing’s really come through,” said Frances Roman, owner of Cocotazo, a Puerto Rican restaurant that just celebrated its one-year anniversary at La Marqueta.

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City Views

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Opinion: Is the Future Now for Latinos in New York Politics?

“We are now witnessing a new generation of Latino political representatives, many of whom have arrived in the halls of government with great potential and ambition. A few of them have even been mentioned as potential opponents to the current mayor in the 2025 municipal elections.”

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Lo que necesita saber sobre: ¿Cómo pueden los venezolanos solicitar la extensión del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) en NY?

El periodo de inscripción inicial para los venezolanos elegibles que no tienen TPS se abrió el 3 de octubre y se extenderá hasta el 2 de abril de 2025. La gobernadora y el alcalde anunciaron financiación para ayudar a estos y otros inmigrantes recién llegados: 30 millones de dólares para servicios legales y 8 millones de dólares para la asistencia en casos. Esto es lo que sabemos. Leer el artículo.
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