
Big news out of Texas: Serve America’s endorsed candidate Kim Olson, and her team, came in first last night in the TX-24 primary and will now advance to a runoff with opponent Candace Valenzuela!

Kim's message of selfless national service, coupled with her private sector and foreign policy background, resonated with voters across the district. Her commitment to restoring honest leadership to Congress while taking on the big issues of the day--in the same way she did as a Colonel in the Air Force--made her a clear first-choice in Tuesday’s primary.

Now she has just 10 weeks to rebuild her campaign and faceoff in a head-to-head contest with her opponent in May. So right now they’re back in the office, buckling down, and they need our help.

Can you rush $10 or more right now to jumpstart Kim Olson’s runoff campaign?

Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated. They need to quickly scale up and can’t do it without the support of people like you.

Thank you,

Serve America PAC