Yesterday, voters in 5 states went to the polls to choose their Democratic nominee for Congress. And we've got some exciting news -- 4 of our NewDem Frontier candidates advanced to the next stage of their races! |
Wendy Davis (TX-21), Sri Kulkarni (TX-22), and Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23) all won their primaries yesterday -- and are now in a strong position to flip their districts blue. And Christy Smith (CA-25) appears to have advanced to a runoff election between her and one other candidate, getting her one step closer to coming to Congress!
We know they have what it takes to win because they're focusing on the same message that propelled 32 NewDems to flip seats blue in 2018 -- that everyone deserves the opportunity to earn a good life, no matter their zip code.
Their work is just beginning. They're in for a fight, but they're ready -- and we're going to have their back every step of the way. Thanks for standing with us.
-Team NewDems |